.PU .ds nm \fBpkcs15-init\fR .TH pkcs15-init 1 "" "" OpenSC pkcs15-init \- smart card personalization utility .SH DESCRIPTION The \*(nm(1) utility can be used to create a PKCS #15 structure on a smart card, and add key or certificate objects. Details of the structure that will be created are controlled via profiles. .PP The profile used by default is \fBpkcs15\fR. Alternative profiles can be specified via the \fB-p\fR switch. .SH MODES OF OPERATION .SS Initialization This is the first step during card personalization, and will create the basic files on the card, and initialize user PINs. To create the initial PKCS #15 structure, invoke the utility as .PP .B " pkcs15-init --create-pkcs15 .PP You will then be asked for several PINs (secret codes used to protect e.g. keys stored on the card), and PUKs. PUKs are secret codes that can be used to .I unblock a PIN if too many incorrect values have been entered in a row. .PP If the card supports it, you can also request that the card is erased prior to creating the PKCS #15 structure, by specifying the .B --erase-card option. .SS Key Generation \*(nm lets you generate a new key and store it on the card. You can do this using: .PP .BI " pkcs15-init --generate-key " keyspec .PP where .I keyspec describes the algorithm and length of the key to be created, such as .BR rsa/512 . This will create a 512 bit RSA key. Currently, only RSA key generation is supported. Note that cards usually support just a few different key lengths. Almost all cards will support 512 and 1024 bit keys, some will support 768 or 2048 as well. .PP In addition to storing the private portion of the key on the card, \*(nm will also store the the public portion of the key as a PKCS #15 public key object. .PP By default, \*(nm will try to use the card's on-board key generation facilities, if available. If the card does not support on-board key generation, \*(nm will fall back to software key generation. .SS Private Key Download You can use a private key generated by other means and download it to the card. For instance, to download a private key contained in a file named .B okir.pem , which is in PEM format, you would use .PP .B " pkcs15-init --store-private-key okir.pem --id 45 .PP If the key is protected by a pass phrase, \*(nm will prompt you for a pass phrase to unlock the key. .PP In addition to storing the private portion of the key on the card, \*(nm will also store the the public portion of the key as a PKCS #15 public key object. .PP Note the use of the .B --id option. The current .B pkcs15 profile defines two key templates, one for authentication (key ID 45), and one for non-repudiation purposes (key ID 46). Other key templates will probably be added in the future. Note that you don't specify a key ID, \*(nm will pick just the first key template defined by the profile. .PP In addition to the PEM key file format, \*(nm also supports DER encoded keys, and PKCS #12 files. The latter is the file format used by Netscape Navigator (among others) when exporting certificates to a file. A PKCS #12 file usually contains the X.509 certificate corresponding to the private key. If that is the case, \*(nm will store the certificate instead of the public key portion. .SS Public Key Download You can also download individual public keys to the card using the .B \-\-store-public-key option, which takes a filename as an argument. This file is supposed to contain the public key. If you don't specify a key file format using the .B \-\-format option, \*(nm will assume PEM format. The only other supported public key file format is DER. .PP Since the corresponding public keys are always downloaded automatically when generating a new key, or when downloading a private key, you will probably use this option only very rarely. .SS Certificate Download You can download certificates to the card using the .B \-\-store-certificate option, which takes a filename as an argument. This file is supposed to contain the DER encoded X.509 certificate. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-\-profile " \fIname\fP, " \-p " \fIname\fP" Tells \*(nm to load the specified general profile. Currently, the only application profile defined is .BR pkcs15 , but you can write your own profiles and specify them using this option. .TP .BR \-\-card-profile " \fIname\fP, " \-c " \fIname\fP" Tells \*(nm to load the specified card profile option. .TP .BR \-\-create-pkcs15 ", " \-C This tells \*(nm to create a PKCS #15 structure on the card, and initialize any PINs. .TP .BR \-\-erase-card ", " \-E This will erase the card prior to creating the PKCS #15 structure, if the card supports it. If the card does not support erasing, \*(nm will fail. .TP .BR \-\-generate-key " \fIkeyspec\fP, " \-G " \fIkeyspec\fP Tells the card to generate new key and store it on the card. .I keyspec consists of an algorithm name (currently, the only supported name is .BR RSA ), optionally followed by a slash and the length of the key in bits. It is a good idea to specify the key ID along with this command, using the .BR \-\-id " option. .TP .BR \-\-store-private-key " \fIfilename\fP, " -S " \fIfilename\fP" Tells \*(nm to download the specified private key to the card. This command will also create a public key object containing the public key portion. By default, the file is assumed to contain the key in PEM format. Alternative formats can be specified using .BR \-\-format . It is a good idea to specify the key ID along with this command, using the .BR \-\-id " option. .TP .BR \-\-store-public-key " \fIfilename\fP, " -P " \fIfilename\fP" Tells \*(nm to download the specified public key to the card and create a public key object with the key ID specified via the .BR \-\-id " option. By default, the file is assumed to contain the key in PEM format. Alternative formats can be specified using .BR \-\-format . .TP .BR \-\-store-certificate " \fIfilename\fX, " -P " \fIfilename\fP" Tells \*(nm to store the certificate given in .I filename on the card, creating a certificate object with the ID specified via the .BR \-\-id " option. The file is assumed to contain the DER encoded certificate. .TP .BR \-\-pin1 ", " \-\-pin1 ", " \-\-puk2 ", " \-\-puk2 These options can be used to specify PIN values on the command line. Note that on most operation systems, any user can display the command line of any process on the system using utilities such as .BR ps (1). Therefore, you should use these options only on a secured system, or in an options file specified with .BR \-\-options-file . .TP .BR \-\-passphrase When downloading a private key, this option can be used to specify the pass phrase to unlock the private key. The same caveat applies here as in the case of the .B \-\-pin options. .TP .BI \-\-options-file " filename" Tells \*(nm to read additional options from .IR filename . The file is supposed to contain one long option per line, without the leading dashes, for instance: .IP .nf pin1 frank pin2 zappa .fi .PP You can specify .B \-\-options-file several times. .TP .BR \-\-debug ", " \-d Turns on debugging output. Specifying this option more than once increases the verbosity of the output. .SH SEE ALSO .BR pkcs15-profile (5) . .SH AUTHORS \*(nm was written by Olaf Kirch