Update NEWS for opensc-0.13.1

This commit is contained in:
Viktor Tarasov 2014-05-16 16:51:01 +02:00
parent 612c7fe43a
commit cfc9461fe5
1 changed files with 130 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,135 @@
NEWS for OpenSC -- History of user visible changes
Complete change history is available online:
New in 0.13.1; 2014-05-16
* new card driver DNIe
* extended existing drivers by support of
Swedish eID card (gemsafeV1)
EstEID 3.5 (mcrd)
* bogus javacard driver removed
* build
return to the standard use of 'autoconf'
CI specific bootstrap script: git commit stamp for the built packages
windows friendly compile settings
fixed a ton of compiler warnings
fence against using EVP_sha256 mech
debian packaging templates
compile without OpenSSL and without SM
enable compiler warnings by default
add 'VarFileInfo' block to version-info
include to MSI package 'openpgp-tool.exe'
'version-info' resource for each target
* macOSX
"graphical uninstaller" to distribution DMG
update package building to modern tools
new tool and SDK paths for OS X 10.8
improved opensc-installer from distribution
osx: target 10.9 (a free upgrade to anyone using 10.6+) from now on
* common
added getpass implementation for non windows
* libopensc
allow for the pin to be entered on the keypad during issuing
introduce 'encoded-content' to the sc_file data
general usage method to allocate generalized time
* minidriver
implemented 'CardChangeAuthenticator', 'CardGetChallenge' and 'CardUnblockPin'
improved management of GUID
use reader pin pad if available and allowed
configuration options for
compose GUID
refuse create container mechanism
add registers file for feitian cards
return code in 'CardGetContainerInfo'
returned 'tries-left' for blocked card
length of stripped data in RSADecrypt
* pkcs#11
bind non-recognized card, generic 'init-token' procedure
CKA_VALUE of 'public-key' object
fix ASN1 encoding issues
PIN-NOT-INITIALIZED for the non-user PINs
buffers overflow
segfault due to the undefined 'application-file'
* pkcs15
'direct' public key in PuKDF encoding
implement SPKI public key encoding
include and maintain minidriver framework data: cmap-record, md-flags, GUID, ..
encoding of 'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'
DER encoding of 'issuer' and 'subject'
PIN validation in 'pkcs15-verify'
public key algorithm
ECC public key encoding
ECC ecpointQ
* pkcs15init
introduce 'max-unblocks' PIN init parameter
keep cert. blob in cert-info data
file 'content' and 'prop-attrs' in the card profile
in profile more AC operations are parsed
NULL pointer dereference error
NULL 'store-key' handle
ignore if no TokenInfo file to update
set EC pubkey parameters from init data
* reader-pcsc
implicit pin modification
pin checking when implicitly given
verify/modify pinpad commands
* SM
common SM 'increase-sequence-counter' procedure
move SM APDU procedures to dedicated source file
move SM common crypto procedures to the dedicated library
* doc
documentation for --list-token-slots
* default driver
do not send possibly arbitrary APDU-s to an unknown card.
by default 'default' card driver is disabled
* sc-hsm
Added support for
persistent EC public keys generated from certificate signing requests
token label to be set via C_InitToken or sc-hsm-tool
unblock PIN using C_InitPIN()
initialize EC key params
bug that prevents a newly generated 2048 key to show up at the PKCS#11 interface
bug when changing SO-PIN with opensc-explorer sc-hsm-tool
memory checking and removed warning
problem deleting CA certificates sc-hsm
public key format returned when generating ECC keys
better error handling for non-SmartCard-HSM cards
support for DKEK password sharing scheme
threshold scheme parameters to manpage
crash on Windows when --wrap-key frees memory allocated in opensc.dll
* ias
simplify the compute signature operation
use SPKI encoding for public key data
extract public key from cert if no object on card
segfault and valgrind issue
gen_key to expect the proper PIV Key references
* CardOS
build for Windows
use information from AlgorithmInfo
supported CardOS V5.0
* epass2003
key generation allows stricter privkey/pubkey ACLs
list_files implemented
properly disable padding
allow exponents other than 65537
* myeid
fixed file-id in myeid.profile
* entersafe
fix a bug when writing public key
* EstEID
match card only based on presence of application.
* pteid
do not call the iso7816 driver get_response operation
* myeid
support of EC key is broken
New in 0.13.0; 2012-12-04
* New card driver ePass2003.