diff --git a/doc/old/Makefile.am b/doc/old/Makefile.am index fb00e96c..fae45a8d 100644 --- a/doc/old/Makefile.am +++ b/doc/old/Makefile.am @@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ SOURCE = opensc.xml opensc.xsl opensc-es.xml opensc.css opensc.xsl GENERATE = opensc.html opensc-es.html +NILS = init_perso_guide.html init_perso_guide.txt MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in $(GENERATE) -EXTRA_DIST = pkcs-15v1_1.asn $(SOURCE) $(GENERATE) doxygen.conf generate.sh +EXTRA_DIST = pkcs-15v1_1.asn $(NILS) $(SOURCE) $(GENERATE) doxygen.conf generate.sh diff --git a/doc/old/init_perso_guide.html b/doc/old/init_perso_guide.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75363466 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/old/init_perso_guide.html @@ -0,0 +1,466 @@ + + + init_perso_guide + + +

OpenSC card init and perso guide


1. Introduction

Nothing +is impossible for the man who doesn't
+  +have +to do it himself. -- A.H. Weiler
+This guide is about initialising and personalising (no distinction +made) cards with the OpenSC library and tools (mostly pkcs15-init).
+Some knowlegde about smart cards is assumed. Below is a short overview +of some key words and concepts. For more info, see the opensc.html +manual.
+Filesystem - MF - DF - EF - FID
+A smart cards has a non-volatile memory (EEPROM) in which usually +a PC-like file system is implemented. The directories are called +Dedicated Files (DF) and the files are called Elementary Files (EF). +They are +identified by a File ID (FID) on 2 bytes. For example, the root of +the file system +(called Master File or MF) has FID = 3F 00 (hex).
+Commands - APDUs
+It is possible to send commands (APDUs) to the card to select, read, +write, create, list, delete, ... EFs and DFs (not all cards allow all +commands).
+Access control, PIN, PUK
+The file system usually implements some sort of access control on EFs +and DFs.
+This is usually done by PINs or Keys: you have to provide a PIN or show +knowledge of a key before you can perform some command on some EF/DF. A +PIN is usually accompanied by a PUK (Pin Unblock Key), which can be +used to +reset (or unblock) that PIN.
+Cryptographic keys
+On crypto cards, it is also possible to sign, decrypt, key(pair) +generation (what can be done exactly depends on the card). on some +cards, key +and/or PINs are files in the filesystem, on other cards, they don't +exist in the filesystem but are referenced through an ID.
+Reader - PC/SC - OpenCT - CT-API
+Smart card readers come with a library that can be used on a PC to send +APDUs to the card. Commonly used APIs for those libraries are PC/SC, +OpenCT +and CT-API.
+There are standards (e.g. ISO7816, parts 4-...) that specify how to +select, read, write, EFs and DFs, and how to sign, decrypt, login, ...
+However, there is also a need to know which files contain what, or +where the keys, PINs, .. can be found.
+For crypto cards, PCKS15 adresses this need by defining some files that +contain info on where to find keys, certificates, PINs, and other data. +For +example, there is a PrKDF (Private Key Directory File) that contains +the EFs or +ID of the private keys, what those keys can be used for, by which PINs +they +are protected, ... So a "PCKS15 card" is nothing but any other card on +which the right set +of files has been added.
+In short: PKCS15 allows you to describe where to find PINS, keys, +certificates and data on a card, plus all the info that is needed to +use them.

A little PKCS15 example:

+Here's the textual contents of 3 PKCS15 files: the AODF (Authentication +Object Directory File), PrKDF (Private Key Directory File) and CDF +(Certificate Directory File) that contain info on resp. the PINs, +private keys and certificates. Each of them contains 1 entry.
+AODF: +
    Com. Flags  : private, modifiable
Auth ID : 01
Flags : [0x32], local, initialized, needs-padding
Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
Pad char : 0x00
Reference : 1
Encoding : ASCII-numeric
Path : 3F005015
+PrKDF: +
    Com. Flags  : private, modifiable
Com. Auth ID: 01
Usage : [0x32E], decrypt, sign, signRecover, unwrap, derive, nonRep
Access Flags: [0x1D], sensitive, alwaysSensitive, neverExtract, local
ModLength : 1024
Key ref : 0
Native : yes
Path : 3F00501530450012
ID : 45
+X.509 Certificate [/C=BE/ST=...] +
    Com. Flags  : modifiable
Authority : no
Path : 3f0050154545
ID : 45
+Some things to note:
+ +Use the tests/p15dump tool to +see yourself what pkcs15 data is on your card, or tools/opensc-explorer to browse +through the files.
+Have the PKCS15 files a fixed place so everyone can find them? No, +there's only one: the EF(DIR) in the MF and with ID 2F00. That's the +starting +place.

2. The OpenSC pkcs15-init library and profiles

+Reading and writing files, PIN verification, signing and decryption +happen in much the same way on all cards. Therefore, the "normal life" +commands have been implemented in OpenSC for all supported cards.
+However, creating and deleting files, PINs and keys is very card +specific and has not yet been implemented for all cards. +Currently, pkcs15-init is implemented for: Cryptoflex, Cyberflex, +CardOS (etoken), GPK, Miocos, Starcos JCOP and Oberthur. (Check +src/pkcs15-init/pkcs15-*.c for possible updates). Because of this, and +because +pkcs15-init is not necessary for "normal life" operations, it has been +put in a separate library and in a separate directory.
+Because the initialisation/personalisation is so card-specific, it +would be very hard to make a tool or API that accepts all parameters +for all current and future cards.
+Therefore, a profile file has been made in OpenSC that contains all the +card-specific parameters. This card-specific profile is read by +card-specific code in the pkcs15-init library each time this library is +used on +that card.
+See the *.profile files in src/pkcs15-init/. There is one general file +(pkcs15.profile) and one card-specific profile for each card.
+Profile options
+There are currently 3 options you can specify to modify a profile:
+ +

3. pkcs15-init tool

+This is a command-line tool that uses the pkcs15-init library. It +allows you to do all the init/perso things, e.g. add/delete keys, +certificates, PINs and data, generate keys, ... while specifying key +usage, which PIN protects which key, ...
+As said before, not all cards are supported in the pkcs15-init library. +In +that case, the pkcs15-init tool won't work (top 5 questions on the +mailing list:-). To find out which card you have, try "opensc-tool -n"
+Below is explained how to do the operations that are supported by +pkcs15-tool.
+Not all options are explained (run "pkcs15-tool +-h" to see them) because some are card-specific or obsolete (or +we don't know about them). Feel free to experiment and explain them +here.
+So the things in this section are fairly general but not guaranteed to +work for all cards. See also the section on "card-specific issues".
+The --reader or -r can be given with any command. By default the first +reader is used. Do "opensc-tool -l" +to see the list of available readers.
+To see the results of what you did, you can do one of the following:
+   pkcs15-tool --list-pins +--list-public-keys -k -c -C
+   p15dump (in the +src/tests directory)
+To see/dump the content of any file, use the opensc-explorer tool.

* Create the PKCS15 files

+      pkcs15-init +-C {-T} {-p <profile>} --so-pin +<PIN> --so-puk <PUK> | --no-so-pin | --pin <PIN> +--puk <PUK>
This will create the PKCS15 DF (5015) and all the PKCS15 files +(some of which will be empty until a key, PIN, ... will be added). It +must be done before you can do any of the operations below.
+ +

* Erase the card's content

+      pkcs15-init +-E {-T}
+This will delete all keys, PINS, certificates, data that were listed in +PKCS15 +files, along with the PKCS15 files themselves.
+ +Note: you can combine erase/create (-E -C or -EC) to erase and then +create
+the card's contents, except when you change the profile option.

* Add a PIN (not possible with the onepin profile option)

+      pkcs15-init +-P {-a <AuthID>} {--pin <PIN>} {--puk <PUK>} {-l +<label>}
+ +

* Generate a key pair (on card or in software on the PC)

+      pkcs15-init +-G <keyspec> -a <AuthID> --insecure {-i <ID>} +{--soft}{-u <keyusage>}{-l <privkeylabel>} +{--public-key-label <pubkeylabel>}
+This will generate a public and private key pair.
+ +NOTE: see the SSL engines (below) on how to make a certificate request +with the key you generated.

* Add a private key

+      pkcs15-init +-S <keyfile> {-f <keyformat>} -a <AuthID> --insecure +{-i <ID>} {-u <keyusage>} {--passphrase <password>} +{-l <label>}
+ +

* Add a private key + certificate(s) (in a pkcs12 file)

+      pkcs15-init +-S <pkcs12file> -f PKCS12 -a <AuthID> {--insecure} {-i +<ID>} {-u <keyusage>} {--passphrase <password>} {-l +<privkeylabel>} {--cert-label <usercertlabel>}
+This adds the private key and certificate chain to the card. If a +certificate already exists on the card, it won't be added again.
+ +

* Add a certificate

+      +pkcs15-init -W <certfile> {-f <certformat>} {-i <ID>} +{--authority}
+ +

* Add a public key

+      pkcs15-init +--store-public-key <keyfile> {-f <keyformat>} {-i +<ID>} {-l <label>}
+ +

* Add data

+      pkcs15-init +-W <datafile> {-i <ID>} {-l <label>}
+ +

4. Other tools


* SSL-engines

+These libraries can be loaded in OpenSSL so you can do a certificate +request with the openssl tool; the signature on the certificate request +will +then be made with the smart card. The result can then be sent to a CA +for certification, the resulting certificate can be put on the card +with +pkcs15-init or pkcs11-tool.
+ + +

* pkcs11-tool and Mozilla/Netscape

+You can use the OpenSC pkcs11 library to generate a keypair in Mozilla +or Netscape, and let the browser generate a certificate request that +is sent to an on-line CA to issue and send you a certificate that is +then added to the card.
+Just go to an online CA (Globalsign, Thawte, ...) and follow their +guidelines. Because such a request either costs you or at least +requires you to provide a valid mail address, it is advisable to first +try you card with "pkcs11-tool +--moz-cert +<cert_file_in_der_format> --login".
+NOTE: This can only be done with the onepin profile option (because the +browser won't ask for an SO PIN, only for the user PIN).

5. Card-specific issues

Experience +is that marvelous thing that enables you to recognize
+a mistake when you make it again. -- +Franklin P. Jones
+ +Starcos SPK 2.3:
+ +
+ diff --git a/doc/old/init_perso_guide.txt b/doc/old/init_perso_guide.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..72a66283 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/old/init_perso_guide.txt @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ +1. Introduction +=============== + + Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't + have to do it himself. -- A.H. Weiler + +This guide is about initialising and personalising (no distinction made) cards +with the OpenSC library and tools (mostly pkcs15-init). + +Some knowlegde about smart cards is assumed. Below is a short overview of some +key words and concepts. For more info, see the opensc.html manual. + +Filesystem - MF - DF - EF - FID +A smart cards has a non-volatile memory (EEPROM) in which usually a +PC-like file system is implemented. The directories are called Dedicated Files +(DF) and the files are called Elementary Files (EF). They are identified by a +a File ID (FID) on 2 bytes. For example, the root of the file system (called +Master File or MF) has FID = 3F 00 (hex). + +Commands - APDUs +It is possible to send commands (APDUs) to the card to select, read, write, +create, list, delete, ... EFs and DFs (not all cards allow all commands). + +Access control, PIN, PUK +The file system usually implements some sort of access control on EFs and DFs. +This is usually done by PINs or Keys: you have to provide a PIN or show +knowledge of a key before you can perform some command on some EF/DF. A PIN +is usually accompanied by a PUK (Pin Unblock Key), which can be used to reset +(or unblock) that PIN. + +Cryptographic keys +On crypto cards, it is also possible to sign, decrypt, generate a key pair +(what can be done exactly depends on the card). on some cards, key and/or PINs +are files in the filesystem, on other cards, they don't exist in the +filesystem but are referenced through an ID. + +Reader - PC/SC - OpenCT - CT-API +Smart card readers come with a library that can be used on a PC to send APDUs +to the card. Commonly used APIs for those libraries are PC/SC, OpenCT and +CT-API. + +PKCS15 +There are standards (e.g. ISO7816, parts 4-...) that specify how to select, +read, write, EFs and DFs, and how to sign, decrypt, login, ... +However, there is also a need to know which files contain what, or where the +keys, PINs, .. can be found. +For crypto cards, PCKS15 adresses this need by defining some files that contain +info on where to find keys, certificates, PINs, and other data. For example, +there is a PrKDF (Private Key Directory File) that contains the EFs or ID of +the private keys, what those keys can be used for, by which PINs they are +protected, ... +So a "PCKS15 card" is nothing but any other card on which the right set of +files has been added. +In short: PKCS15 allows you to describe where to find PINs, keys, certificates +and data on a card, plus all the info that is needed to use them. + +A little PKCS15 example: + +Here's the textual contents of 3 PKCS15 files: the AODF (Authentication +Object Directory File), PrKDF (Private Key Directory File) and CDF +(Certificate Directory File) that contain info on resp. the PINs, private +keys and certificates. Each of them contains 1 entry. + +AODF: + Com. Flags : private, modifiable + Auth ID : 01 + Flags : [0x32], local, initialized, needs-padding + Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8 + Pad char : 0x00 + Reference : 1 + Encoding : ASCII-numeric + Path : 3F005015 + +PrKDF: + Com. Flags : private, modifiable + Com. Auth ID: 01 + Usage : [0x32E], decrypt, sign, signRecover, unwrap, derive, nonRep + Access Flags: [0x1D], sensitive, alwaysSensitive, neverExtract, local + ModLength : 1024 + Key ref : 0 + Native : yes + Path : 3F00501530450012 + ID : 45 + +X.509 Certificate [/C=BE/ST=...] + Com. Flags : modifiable + Authority : no + Path : 3f0050154545 + ID : 45 + +Some things to note: +- The Auth ID (01) of the private key is the same as the one of the PIN which + means that you first have to do a login with this PIN before you can use + this key. +- The key is in an EF with ID = 0012 in the DF with ID = 3045, which on its + turn is a DF with ID = 5015, which on its turn is a DF of the MF (3F00). +- The private key and certificate share the same ID (45), which means that they + belong together. +- The cert is in the EF with as path: 3F00\5015\4545 and is no CA cert. + +Use the tests/p15dump tool to see yourself what pkcs15 data is on +your card, or tools/opensc-explorer to browse through the files. + +Have the PKCS15 files a fixed place so everyone can find them? No, there's +only one: the EF(DIR) in the MF and with ID 2F00. That's the starting place. + + +2. The OpenSC pkcs15-init library and profiles +============================================== + +Reading and writing files, PIN verification, signing and decryption happen in +much the same way on all cards. Therefore, the "normal life" commands have +been implemented in OpenSC for all supported cards. + +However, creating and deleting files, PINs and keys is very card specific and +has not yet been implemented for all cards. Currently, pkcs15-init is +implemented for: Cryptoflex, Cyberflex, CardOS (etoken), GPK, Miocos, Starcos +JCOP and Oberthur. (Check src/pkcs15init/pkcs15-*.c for possible updates). +Because of this, and because pkcs15-init is not necessary for "normal life" +operations, it has been put in a separate library and in a separate directory. + +Profile +Because the initialisation/personalisation is so card-specific, it would be +very hard to make a tool or API that accepts all parameters for all current +and future cards. Therefore, a profile file has been made in OpenSC that +contains all the card-specific parameters. This card-specific profile is read +by card-specific code in the pkcs15-init library each time this library is +used on that card. +See the *.profile files in src/pkcs15init/. There is one general file +(pkcs15.profile) and one card-specific profile for each card. + +Profile options +There are currently 3 options you can specify to modify a profile: +- default: creation/deletion/generation is controlled by the SO PIN (SO = + Security Officer, different from the regular user of the card) +- onepin: creation/deletion/generation is controlled by the user PIN and thus + by the user. As a result, only 1 user PIN is possible +- small: like default, but suitable for card with little memory + + +3. pkcs15-init tool +=================== + +This is a command-line tool that uses the pkcs15-init library. It allows you +to do all the init/perso things, e.g. add/delete keys, certificates, PINs and +data, generate keys, ... while specifying key usage, which PIN protects +which key, ... + +As said before, not all cards are supported in the pkcs15-init library. In that +case, the pkcs15-init tool won't work (top 5 questions on the mailing list :-). +To find out which card you have, try "opensc-tool -n" + +Below is explained how to do the operations that are supported by pkcs15-tool. +Not all options are explained (run "pkcs15-tool -h" to see them) because some +are card-specific or obsolete (or we don't know about them). Feel free to +experiment and explain them here. + +So the things in this section are fairly general but not guaranteed to work +for all cards. See also the section on "card-specific issues". + +The --reader or -r can be given with any command. By default the first reader +is used. Do "opensc-tool -l" to see the list of available readers. + +To see the results of what you did, you can do one of the following: + pkcs15-tool --list-pins --list-public-keys -k -c -C + p15dump (in the src/tests directory) +To see/dump the content of any file, use the opensc-explorer tool. + +* Create the PKCS15 files + pkcs15-init -C {-T} {-p } + --so-pin --so-puk | --no-so-pin | --pin --puk +This will create the PKCS15 DF (5015) and all the PKCS15 files (some of which +will be empty until a key, PIN, ... will be added). It must be done before you +can do any of the operations below. +- This operation usually requires a 'transport' key. pkcs15-init will ask you + for this key and propose the default one for that card. With -T, the default + key will be used without asking. NOTE: if you get a "Failed to erase card: + PIN code or key incorrect", the transport key is wrong. Find this key and + then try again, DO NOT try with the default key again! +- If you want an SO PIN and PUK, do so with the --so-pin and --so-puk options, + or specify --no-so-pin if you don't want them. If you use the onepin profile, + there is no SO PIN so you should specify --pin and --puk instead. + (So you get: pkcs15-init -CT -p pkcs15+onepin --pin --puk ) +- To specify the profile file + option. The profile file can only be "pkcs15" + for the moment, so you can have: + pkcs15+default : the default (not needed to specify it) + pkcs15+onepin : for the onepin profile option + pkcs15+small : for the small profile option + +* Erase the card's content + pkcs15-init -E {-T} +This will delete all keys, PINs, certificates, data that were listed in PKCS15 +files, along with the PKCS15 files themselves. +- This operation usually requires a 'transport' key. pkcs15-init will ask you + for this key and propose the default one for that card. With -T, the default + key will be used without asking. NOTE: if you get a "Failed to erase card: + PIN code or key incorrect", the transport key is wrong. Find this key and + then try again, DO NOT try the default key again! + +Note: you can combine erase/create (-E -C or -EC) to erase and then create +the card's contents, except when you change the profile option. + +* Add a PIN (not possible with the onepin profile option) + pkcs15-init -P {-a } {--pin } {--puk } {-l