#!/bin/bash function get_org_of_current_repo() { local orgs_from_global_config=$(git config --get-regexp ^orgs. | cut -d . -f 2) for org in $orgs_from_global_config; do local org_remotes=$(git remote -v | grep -i $org/) if [ ! -z "$org_remotes" ]; then echo $org fi done } org=$(get_org_of_current_repo) if [ ! -z "$org" ]; then organization_email=$(git config orgs\.$org\.email) repository_email=$(git config --local user.email) if [ "$organization_email" != "$repository_email" ]; then echo "Organization '$org' identified!" echo "Setting the configured e-mail <$organization_email>" git config --local user.email $organization_email echo "Please repeat the commit command to use the new e-mail" exit 1 fi fi